Lang lab

High Performance Computing and Research Data Management to facilitate the genomic profiling of tumor specimens

Processing pipelines for genome sequencing are executed on high performance computers (HPC), such as CHEOPS located at the University of Cologne. The „Wissenschaftsrat" granted the acquisition of a new High Performance Computing System, CHEOPS2, to be installed in 2021. It will specifically support the processing of large volumes of human related data, e.g. being produced at the Cologne Center for Genomics (CCG). The Wissenschaftsrat emphasized the extraordinary importance of this HPC system for research on a national level. Within the NFDI-Initiative ""National Forschungsdateninfrastruktur“, the project GHGA (German Human Genome Phenome Archive) has just been granted, which will establish a national repository of respective data to support national and international research. The computing center at the University of Cologne is a core infrastructure partner in this project, it closely cooperates with the Cologne Center for Genomics (CCG) which generates genomic data with its Next Generation Sequencers. Based on this computer science specialists support medical researchers in making efficient use of the storage and processing facilities at the computing center. In addition, the computing center operates high end visualization equipment, that allows stereoscopic viewing of complex three dimensional structures.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Lang

University of Cologne
Computing Center

Weyertal 121
Gebäude 133 
50931 Köln-Lindenthal

Tel.  +49 221 470 89700

Find out more:

Ulrich Lang@SFB1399
Ulrich Lang@University of Cologne